. | Links | |
📦 RZ/G2 Linux Package (Common for all MPU ▲ ▲ ▲ ) ZIP file containing Yocto BSP and all documentation
| RZ/G2 (all)
| |
🎨 Graphics (PowerVR) and 🎦 Video Codec Libraries
| RZ/G2H, RZ/G2M, RZ/G2N, RZ/G2E | |
🎨 Graphics (Mali) Libraries
| |
🎦 Video Codec Libraries
| RZ/G2L 💾Download Page RZ/V2L 💾 Download Page | |
🌐 HTML5 Browser (Gecko/Firefox)
| 💾 Download Page | |
📄 BSP Manual Set Detailed information about Device Drivers and Device Tree Settings | 📄 RZ/G2H, RZ/G2M, RZ/G2N, and RZ/G2E (link) |
A file was Files were removed from the Debian server which causes a build error when building the Yocto BSP .
Below are patches in order to fix those issue.
This effects Patch BSP v3.0.6 and , v3.0.6-update1, v3.0.6-update2
Below are instructions to download and apply patches to fix those issues.Change from deb10u2 to deb10u3, then to deb10u4
cd meta-renesas
# Change deb10u2 to dev10u3
wget https://github.com/renesas-rz/meta-renesas/commit/a56169f6642d.patch
git am a56169f6642d.patch
wget https://github.com/renesas-rz/meta-renesas/commit/6c11ae542069-p1 -i a56169f6642d.patch
# am 6c11ae542069.patch
Patch BSP v3.0.6-update2
Change from deb10u3 to deb10u4
Change deb10u3 to dev10u4cd meta-renesas
wget https://github.com/renesas-rz/meta-renesas/commit/6c11ae542069.patch
git ampatch -p1 -i 6c11ae542069.patch