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Wiki Markup*<About the FPB_RX261_LED_Blinky project>

* The FPB_RX261_LED_Blinky project was created by selecting \ [Bare Metal - Blinky\] on the "Choose a project template" page (see below) when creating a new project.

For information on how to create a project, please refer to the video at the following URL. [


Widget Connector


When creating the ] \\ !worddav80d35dd043c1fa284c00294765f11d9f.png|height=241,width=620! \\ When creating the FPB_RX261_LED_Blinky project, there are some differences from the video above.


  • Project name

\\ ●Project name FPB_RX261_LED_Blinky !worddav0ec280b6dbf4b5af3f2316e51b350cf2.png|height=291,width=503! ●Device Settings -> Target Boad FPB-RX261 !worddavc423d9d663771a5cf49aac37a5078695.png|height=506,width=548! *<Operation Environment>* IDE : Renesas Electronics e2 studio 2024-07 C compiler : Renesas Electronics

  • Device Settings -> Target Boad


<Operation Environment>

IDE : Renesas Electronics e2 studio 2024-07

C compiler : Renesas Electronics C/C++ Compiler Package for RX Family V3.06.00

Board used : FPB-RX261

USB cable (USB Micro-B --- USB Type A) × 1 \\ *<Other preparations>* USB 1


<Other preparations>

USB cable (USB cable (USB Micro-B <-> USB Type A) × 1

Windows PC × 1 unit \\ *<LED blinking behavior>* unit


<LED blinking behavior

The The FPB_RX261_LED_Blinky Project allows customers to change the blinking frequency of the user LED(LED2) cyclically each time the user switch S1 on the FPB-RX261 is pressed.

Upon power-on, the user LED (LED2) blinks at 1 Hz.After that, each time the user switch S1 is pressed, the user LED (LED2) changes its blinking frequency cyclically from 1Hz to 5Hz to 10Hz to 1Hz… \\ \\ *<Build and Debug for RX>* Please refer to the video at the following URL. Part 1 is "Build" and Part 2 is "Debug". [e² studio Quick Start1Hz…




<Build and Debug for RX>

Please refer to the video at the following URL.

Part 1 is "Build" and Part 2 is "Debug".

e² studio Quick Start Guide Guide (3/3) - Build and Debug for RX | Renesas|


  • Debugger connection with FPB-RX261

Regarding debugger connection, if you are using the FPB-RX261 board to debug the studio-quick-start-guide-33-build-and-debug-rx] \\ *●Debugger connection with FPB-RX261* Regarding debugger connection, if you are using the FPB-RX261 board to debug the FPB_RX261_LED project, please see below. \\ Select "Debug Configurtions" !worddav46a93b698f594059d629724d28e65929.png|height=142,width=307! \\ In the "


Select ”Debug Configurtions"


In the "Debug Configurations" dialog, click Debug Configurations" dialog, click "FPB_RX261_LED_Blinkiy HardwareDebug" under "Reness GDB Hardware Debugging". !worddav9f698c6eedbe9f4651fe3a970b6f43b4.png|height=368,width=530! \\ Select


Select the "E2 the "E2 Lite(RX)" in the "Debugger" tab. !worddav2a8d38fdf27371011a8c69cb0edd691d.png|height=285,width=524! \\ In the tab.


In the "Debugger" tab, in the "Connection Settings" tab, set "Power Target From The Emulator (MAX 200mA)" to "No".

Click the "Debug" button. !worddav12ba3c0073e4f3089fa6c2840a6bfb6b.png|height=404,width=button.



  • FPB-RX261 board settings

To debug and program with the 525! \\ \\ *●FPB-RX261 board settings* To debug and program with the FPB-RX261, you must set it to Debug on-board mode.

To enter Debug on-board mode, short pins 2 and 3 of the pin header jumper J4.