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This page focuses on detailed topics specific to RA.  Here, you will find discussions on new peripherals, software, hardware, tools, and technologies related to RA and FSP. We also share how-to guides and our experiences to assist you with your designs. 

RA Specific Topics

Below are several specific topics designed to support your development, many of which stem from real-world challenges we helped customers address. These topics delve deeper into the details and may include custom documentation we created to highlight issues and their solutions.

High Level Guide For Integrating EK-RA8D1 With A New MIPI DSI LCD

MIPI DSI is a specialized peripheral for communicating with compatible LCDs. It has the advantage of a low pin count, but the disadvantage of development complexity. The link below will take you to a page to assist you with the bring-up up MIPI DSI compatible LCDs.

High Level Guide For Integrating EK-RA8D1 With A New MIPI DSI LCD

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