Target Ubuntu OS Version: 20.04, 18.04
Target reference board: RZ/G2L,/G2LC,/G2UL SMARC
Host PC Environment: Ubuntu20.04
Run below command on Host Ubuntu PC
sudo apt-get install qemu-user-static
ExpandSelect the package to download based on the desired file system |
In the following example, please replace "version" as below name as you need
ubuntu-base-20.04.4-base-arm64: 20.04.4
ubuntu-base-18.04.5-base-arm64: 18.04.5
ExpandInitial preparation |
ExpandCreate a new script file |
chmod +x ./ -m root/ chmod -R 777 /tmp
apt-get update
apt-get install \ language-pack-en-base \ sudo \ ssh \ net-tools \ network-manager \ ethtool \ ifupdown \ isc-dhcp-client \ openssh-server \ iputils-ping \ rsyslog \ bash-completion \ htop \ resolvconf \ dialog \ vim
ExpandPlesae replace the <name> with your user name |
Expandvim /etc/init.d/ttyS0.conf |
echo "auto eth0" > /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 echo "iface eth0 inet dhcp" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
exit ./ -u root/
cd root tar -cjf rootfs.tar.bz2 ./*
Prepare a SD card with ext4 partition: Learning/Linux#Partitioning and Formatting an SD Card
extract ubuntu .bz2 package to SD card
sudo tar -xvf rootfs.tar.gz -C /media/xxx/rootfs
Expandinstall required packages |
Copy the Wayland 1.18.0 source code from VLP Yocto build folder to SD card.
i.e. build/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/wayland/1.18.0-r0/wayland-1.18.0/
ExpandEnter the wayland-1.18.0 folder on SD card Run below command on Reference Board |
Copy the wayland-protocol1.20.0 source code from VLP Yocto build folder to SD card.
i.e. build/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/wayland-protocols/1.20-r0/wayland-protocols-1.20/
ExpandEnter the wayland-protocols-1.20 folder on SD card Run below command on Reference Board |
Copy the weston8.0.0 source code from VLP Yocto build folder to SD card.
i.e. build/tmp/work/aarch64-poky-linux/weston/8.0.0-r0/weston-8.0.0/
ExpandEnter the weston-8.0.0 folder on SD card Run below command on Reference Board |
If the configuration is correct, it will display below messages
User defined options libdir : /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu prefix : /usr sysconfdir : /etc backend-drm-screencast-vaapi : false color-management-colord : false remoting : false xwayland : false
Expandcompile and install |
Please refer to the StartupGuide.txt document in meta-rz-features/recipes-graphics/mali/files/mali_pkg_eval_vx.x.tar.gz
Copy the driver mali_kbase..ko from VLP Yocto build folder to SD card.
i.e. build/tmp/work/smarc_rzg2l-poky-linux/kernel-modulemali/r35-p0/image/lib/modules/5.10.83-cip1-yocto-standard/extra
Expandinstall gpu .ko on reference board |
Copy the library files to SD card.
i.e. meta-rz-features/recipesgraphics/mali/files/mali_pkg_eval_vx.x.tar.gz
Expandinstall library to reference board |
sudo apt install glmark2-es2-wayland
Only root user can launch weston service, please switch to root user in advance
insmod mali_kbase.ko
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/usr/lib/ export RUNLEVEL=3
weston --tty 1 &
Run glmark2 test
glmark2-es2-wayland --fullscreen
In this section, we will copy codec related files from original VLP Yocto build.
i.e. core-image-qt-smarc-rzg2l.tar.bz2 or core-image-weston-smarc-rzg2l.tar.bz2
Pleaes copy this .bz2 file to Ubuntu SD card and run below instruction on reference board
unzip core-image-qt-smarc-rzg2l.tar.bz2 or core-image-weston-smarc-rzg2l.tar.bz2 to folder "yocto"
Expandcopy codec drivers |
Expandcopy gstreamer related lib |
Expandmodify omx plugin configuration |
Expandinstall gstreamer dependency |
Expandlogin as root and insmod drivers |
ExpandSpecify gstreamer location |
ExpandLaunch weston |
ExpandPlay Video |
You can port Qt by following 3 methods
In this section, we will copy Qt5.6.3 related files from original VLP Yocto build.
i.e. core-image-qt-smarc-rzg2l.tar.bz2
Pleaes copy this .bz2 file to Ubuntu SD card and run below instruction on reference board
unzip core-image-qt-smarc-rzg2l.tar.bz2 to folder "yocto"
(For other version of Qt, you can modify Yocto meta-qt5\recipes-qt\qt5, please inqury Qt company for higher version QT integration)
ExpandPort Qt lib |
Start Weston RZ-G/RZ-G2 BSP Porting Ubuntu#Start Weston desktop
Then run the Qt example in /usr/share/qt5/examples
You can download qt5 source to reference board and compile on board.
Or cross compile qt5 on PC
Or compile qt5 in PC QEMU
Here we compile qt5 on board
Expandcompile qt5 |
We suggest to compile the qt5 with scrips
Notes: About the flags parameter in configure of Qt5. -qpa should be set as wayland or wayland-egl. We didn't support xcomposite-egl option
apt-get install qt5-default qtwayland5
Notes: The above installation commands can only run part of Qt functions. If you need more functions, you need to continue installing Qt related packages.
This section introduce how to develop Qt application on PC.
bitbake core-image-qt -c populate_sdk
The generated installation file is located at:
Install this SDK to PC, default folder is /opt/poky/3.1.14
setup SDK runtime environment
source /opt/poky/3.1.14/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
Add Device | |
Add new Kit | |
Add Qt version | |
Add compiler | |
Add debuggers | |
Select kit to build Qt project | |
example to run qt calculator project |