The current supported compiler for the Renesas e2studio with the RZA.
GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain 6-2017-q2-update
IAR Embedded Workbench V8.30.1 or later
External Library can be linked using the GCC Linker settings in the project settings. This requires that the external library was compiled using the same GNU GCC compiler. The RZA1 SDK uses GNU GCC version 6.3.1.
GCC Library Import settings Example
Linker Optionsa) The -l panel sets the root name of the library that was compiled. When GCC compiler creates a library it always prepends ‘lib’ to the name. So for “librbsp.a”, we just use root name bsp.b) The -L specifies the directory that the library is in. Use the browse by workspace if the file is in the IDE workspace of Filesystem if the file outside of the IDE workspace.