
Official Microsoft Azure Software Package

The Official RZA Microsoft Azure Software Package can be found in there git repository here. This repository includes the source code for the RZA BSP, Threadx RTOS, FileX, GUIX, USBX, NetXDuo, and Auzure IoT.

Renesas Microsoft Azure Software Package

These are the Renesas Microsoft Azure Software Package repository for RZ/A1 and repository for RZ/A2M. These sites contains a Beta Version that contains bug fixes to the official release. These repositories does not include the source code to the Microsoft products. Only the demos and RZA BSP source is included. Precompiled libraries are included to run the demos.

List of Demos

  • sample_threadx

This is a simple demo of the basic threadx RTOS APIs and memory management.

  • r_sample_threadx

This demo is similar to the sample_threadx but uses the Renesas OS Abstraction Layer

  • sample_filex_ramdisk

This project demonstrates the FileX API for a mass storage device located on the RZA internal RAM.

  • sample_netx_duo_iperf

This project demonstrates the NetX API running a webpage that shows the network connectivity performance.

  • sample_netx_duo_ping

This project demonstrates the NetX Duo API that responds to ping.

  • sample_azure_iot_embedded_sdk

This project demonstrates the Azure IoT. A license is required to access the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

  • sample_azure_iot_sdk_ping

This project demonstrates the Azure IoT. A license is required to access the Microsoft Azure Cloud.

  • rza1h_sample_guix_home_automation

This project demonstrates the GUIX API. The demo simulates a home automation HMI controller. This includes lights, HVAC, Door Locks, and Outdoor Weather. The project is designed for the RZA1H RSK board. The resolution is 800 x 600 with 24bpp color depth.

RZA1 Processor support

The RZA BSP supports all the RZA1 MPUs and the RSK and Stream it Evaluation Kits. To configure the BSP to a different MPU do the following

  • Open the file mcu_board_select.h. It can be found in the BSP library project <rz_bsp Project>src/renesas/application/inc
  • Change the target RZA1 to one of these choices TARGET_RZA1LC, TARGET_RZA1LU, TARGET_RZA1L, TARGET_RZA1M, or TARGET_RZA1H.
  • Change the target board to either TARGET_BOARD_RSK or TARGET_BOARD_STREAM_IT2. Be sure that the target processor matches what is on the target board (i.e RZA1LU is on the Streamit Kit v2).
  • NOTE: The Target board settings refer to the external hardware on the (i.e. EEPROM, switches, LEDs, PHY, Audio Codec). The firmware for these devices are found in the middleware folder.

RZA1 USBX Controller

The USBX controller is the MCU device driver. The RZ USB Host and Device Controllers ( USBX Drivers) are hardcoded for either channel 0 or channel 1 depending on the GCC compiler preprocessor setting UX_RZ_USB_BASE defined in the host driver file uz_hcd_rz.h and uz_dcd_rz.h header files. While the USBX API call " ux_host_stack_hcd_register" used to register the USBX controller for the host and " ux_device_stack_dcd_register" to register USB device controller have a parameter to setting the USB channel at runtime the RZ USBX Controller initialization functino as well as the rest of the USB Controller does not make use of this parameter.

The RZ USBX Driver can support one host and one device controller.

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