The conversion of neural networks to onnx format may exchange certain layer with structures, that cannot be processed by DRP-AI.
To reduce that effect, please evaluate ONNX Simplifier.
"ONNX Simplifier infers the whole computation graph and then replaces the redundant operators with their constant outputs (a.k.a. constant folding). "
Conversion flow (assuming Tensorflow is installed):
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install onnx==1.17.0
$ pip install tf2onnx==1.16.1
$ pip install onnx-simplifier
$ python -m tf2onnx.convert \
--saved-model exported_pb \
--output <name>.onnx \
--inputs-as-nchw keras_tensor
$ onnxsim \
<name>.onnx \
<name>_simplified.onnx \
--overwrite-input-shape "keras_tensor:1,3,224,224"