It’s helpful to know some commonly used Renesas Motor Control acronyms and terminologies when start working with Renesas Motor Control solutions.
BSP – Stands for Board Support Package. It is normally included in FSP to configure the application specific board. BSP is responsible for getting the MCU from reset to the user's application. It sets up the stacks, heap, clocks, interrupts, C runtime, environment, and stack monitor.
e2studio – e² studio is an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) for Renesas MCUs. In addition to Eclipse’s own powerful code editor, e² studio offers a rich range of extended functions.
FSP – Stands for Flexible Software Package. It is a Smart Configurator for motor control systems using the Renesas RA family MCUs. It is integrated with e2studio for RA.
MCB – Stands for Motor Control Board. It is the Renesas MCU board used for motor control evaluations. You can easily find them by search MCB followed by a MCU name, such as MCB-RX26T, MCB-RA6T2, etc.
MCI – Stands for Motor Control Inverter board. It is the Renesas inverter board to mate with MCB for motor control evaluations. Low voltage application boards start with MCI-LV, and high voltage application boards start with MCI-HV.
MCK – Stands for Motor Control Kit. It is the MCB plus MCI for Renesas motor control applications. You can easily find them by search MCK followed by a MCU name, such as MCK-RX26T, MCK-RA6T2, etc.
RASC – Stands for RA Smart Configurator (Or R. It is a standalone FSP to use with third party IDEs with IAR Embedded Workbench, ARM Keli MDK.
RFP – Stands for Renesas Flash Programmer. It's a GUI programming tool provides usable and functional support for programming the on-chip flash memory of Renesas microcontrollers in each phase of development and mass production.
RMW – Stands for Renesas Motor Workbench. It is a GUI tool for debugging, analyzing, and tuning motor control programs.
RSSK – Stands for Renesas Solution Starter Kit. It is Renesas evaluation kit that has different MCU & Inverter board format and interface from MCB/MCI/MCK family. It is used for RL78 family and some RA & RX devices too.
SC – Stands for Smart Configurator. It is a software package to help design and configure motor control systems using the Renesas MCUs. It is integrated with e2studio.
QE – Stands for Quick and Effective. It is a Renesas Toolkit to help design and configure systems for particular applications. Motor control applications use “QE for Motor”. It is integrated with e2studio.